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Species Distribution Modelling Workshop (SDM 2023)

A four-day Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) workshop was held from December 17-20, 2023. This intensive workshop, held in our own office, saw the participation of four eager individuals representing diverse backgrounds from various organizations and universities.

The workshop delved into tools of predicting species distributions using powerful statistical tools. Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of:

  • R Fundamentals: Building a strong foundation in the R programming language, essential for data analysis and model development.
  • Linear Regression: Unveiling the relationship between variables and predicting species occurrence based on environmental factors.
  • Generalized Linear Models (GLMs): Taking prediction to the next level with flexible models that handle diverse data types.
  • Occupancy Modelling: Estimating species presence and detectability in areas where detection can be challenging.
  • Maxent Modelling: Harnessing the power of machine learning to predict suitable habitat for a wide range of species.

Throughout the workshop, participants actively engaged in hands-on exercises, applying their newfound knowledge to real-world scenarios. They practiced analyzing data, building and evaluating models, and interpreting results to gain valuable insights into species distribution patterns.

The feedback of the participants showed that they were most impressed by the detailed explanations of topics covered from the basics. Although the workshop was limited to four-days, the participants were introduced to different tools of SDM.

NCSC is committed to providing capacity building opportunities for conservation professionals and researchers. This SDM workshop is a testament to our dedication to equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to better understand and protect biodiversity.

Do you want to unlock the secrets of species distribution? Stay tuned for future workshops and training programs offered by NCSC!